℡ 4000-520-616
℡ 4000-520-616
Athens Research/Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology/100 midi preps/GA-101-201
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品      牌: Athens Research
Athens Research/Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology/100 midi preps/GA-101-201
Extraction & Purification - DNA

Extraction & Purification - DNA: Plasmid

Mini, midi and maxi prepsincluding rapid plasmid prep kits.
  • Catalogue
  • Description
  • Protocols
  • References

Exprep Plasmid SV

ExprepTM Plasmid SV DNA Purification kit provides a rapid and convenient method for the small and medium scale preparations of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells and it is used to isolate and purify any plasmidsfrom any E. coli strains. ExprepTM Plasmid SV eliminates the need of organic solvent extraction and alcohol precipitation, allowing rapid and convenient preparation from many samples simultaneously.


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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GA-101-102GeneAll Exprep Plasmid SV200 mini preps£134.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-110GeneAll Exprep Plasmid SV10 prep sample (1 per customer)£0.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-150GeneAll Exprep Plasmid SV50 mini preps£51.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-201GeneAll Exprep Plasmid SV100 midi preps£430.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-226GeneAll Exprep Plasmid SV26 midi preps£152.40QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-250GeneAll Exprep Plasmid SV50 midi preps£234.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-701Spin Column for Plasmid Midi (type Q)50 each£93.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-901Buffer S160 ml£19.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-903Buffer S1150 ml£25.60QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-911Buffer S260 ml£20.80QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-913Buffer S2150 ml£30.40QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-921Buffer S390 ml£30.40QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-925Buffer S3200 ml£52.20QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-931Buffer AW120 ml£12.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-933Buffer AW550 ml£22.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-941Buffer PW250 ml£8.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-943Buffer PW1000 ml£16.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-954Buffer EB180 ml£22.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-961RNase A (20mg/ml)300 ul£22.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-963RNase A (20mg/ml)750 ul£34.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-966RNase A (20mg/ml)500 ul£28.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-991Spin Column for Plasmid mini (type Q)100 each£33.00QuantityAdd to Order
GA-101-992Spin Column for Plasmid mini (type Q)200 each£56.00QuantityAdd to Order

Exprep Plasmid SV

ExprepTM Plasmid SV DNA Purification kit provides a rapid and convenient method for the small and medium scale preparations of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells and it is used to isolate and purify any plasmidsfrom any E. coli strains. ExprepTM Plasmid SV eliminates the need of organic solvent extraction and alcohol precipitation, allowing rapid and convenient preparation from many samples simultaneously.



ExprepTM Plasmid SV DNA Purification kit provides a rapid and convenient method for the small and medium scale preparations of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells and it is used to isolate and purify any plasmids from any E. coli strains. ExprepTM Plasmid SV eliminates the need of organic solvent extraction and alcohol precipitation, allowing rapid and convenient preparation from many samples simultaneously. ExprepTM Plasmid SV kit can yield up to 30 ug (mini) of highly purified plasmid DNA and it can be applicable directly for PCR, cloning, automated sequencing, synthesis of labeled hybridization probes and other enzymatic reactions without further manipulation. ExprepTM Plasmid SV Midi kitprocedure requires a centrifuge whichhas a swinging-out bucket running at 4,000 ~ 5,000 xg.

Features and Benefits

¦ Spin or vacuum column format¦ Stable and consistent result¦ Instant use : No need of additional materials¦ Fast and simple procedure : complete in 25 minutes¦ High purity : A260/280 = 1.8 ~ 2.0¦ Compatible with endAstrains¦ No use of organic solvents¦ Ready for use in enzymatic manipulation and automated sequencing



If you cannot find the answer to your problem below then please contact us or telephone 01954 210 200

Exprep Plasmid SV

ExprepTM Plasmid SV DNA Purification kit provides a rapid and convenient method for the small and medium scale preparations of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells and it is used to isolate and purify any plasmidsfrom any E. coli strains. ExprepTM Plasmid SV eliminates the need of organic solvent extraction and alcohol precipitation, allowing rapid and convenient preparation from many samples simultaneously.


Click here for Protocol

If you cannot find the answer to your problem below then please contact us or telephone 01954 210 200

Exprep Plasmid SV

ExprepTM Plasmid SV DNA Purification kit provides a rapid and convenient method for the small and medium scale preparations of plasmid DNA from bacterial cells and it is used to isolate and purify any plasmidsfrom any E. coli strains. ExprepTM Plasmid SV eliminates the need of organic solvent extraction and alcohol precipitation, allowing rapid and convenient preparation from many samples simultaneously.


List of references here

If you cannot find the answer to your problem below then please contact us or telephone 01954 210 200



Albumin, Human Plasma 16-16-011202
Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma
Alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma 16-16-012400
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Human Plasma 16-16-011609
Alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Human Plasma 16-16-012901
Alpha 2 HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma 16-16-081907
Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Human Plasma 16-16-012013
Angiotensinogen, Human Plasma 16-16-011407
Antisera to Albumin, Human Plasma 01-16-011202
Antisera to Amylase, Human Pancreas 01-19-010000
Antisera to Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma 01-16-120101
Antisera to Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma 01-16-120302
Antisera to Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil 01-14-012621
Antisera to Catalase, Human Erythrocyte 01-05-030000
Antisera to Cathepsin B, Human Liver 01-12-030102
Antisera to Cathepsin D, Human Liver 01-12-030104
Antisera to Cathepsin H, Human Liver 01-12-030108
Antisera to Cathepsin L, Human Liver 01-12-030112
Antisera to Elastase, Human Neutrophil 01-14-051200
Antisera to Fibrinogen, Human Plasma 01-16-060902
Antisera to Kallikrein, Human Plasma 01-16-110112
Antisera to Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil 01-14-130000
Antisera to Thrombospondin, Human Platelet 01-20-201319
Antisera to Trypsin, Human Pancreas 01-19-032000
Antithrombin III, Human Plasma 16-16-012020
Apolipoprotein AI, Human Plasma 16-16-120101
Apolipoprotein AII, Human Plasma 16-16-120102
Apolipoprotein AIV, Human Plasma 16-16-120104
Apolipoprotein B, Human Plasma 16-16-120200
Apolipoprotein CI, Human Plasma 16-16-120301
Apolipoprotein CII, Human Plasma 16-16-120302
Apolipoprotein CIII, Human Plasma 16-16-120303
Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma 16-16-120500
Apotransferrin, Dog Plasma 16-16-A32001-dog
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma 16-16-A32001
Apotransferrin, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin Level 16-16-A32001-LEL
Apotransferrin, Mouse Plasma 16-16-A32001-mouse
Apotransferrin, Rat Serum 16-16-A32001-rat
Azurocidin, Human Neutrophil (Cationic protein 37) 16-14-012621
Bacterial/Permeability-Increasing Protein, Human Neutrophil (BPI, CAP57) 16-14-021609
C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Human Plasma 16-16-031509
Calmodulin, Bovine Brain, High Purity 16-BR-030112-HP-bovine
Calpain-1, Human Erythrocyte 16-05-030112
Calpain-1, Porcine Erythrocytes 16-05-030112-P
Catalase, Human Erythrocyte 16-05-030000
Cathepsin B, Bovine Spleen 16-SP-030102-bovine
Cathepsin B, Human Liver 16-12-030102
Cathepsin D, Bovine Spleen 16-SP-030104-bovine
Cathepsin D, Human Liver 16-12-030104
Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil 16-14-030107
Cathepsin H, Human Liver 16-12-030108
Cathepsin L, Human Liver 16-12-030112
Cathepsin S, Human Spleen 16-18-030118
Ceruloplasmin, Human Plasma 16-16-030518
Chylomicrons, Human Plasma 12-16-030825
Chymotrypsin, Human Pancreas 16-19-030820
Defensins, Alpha, Mixed from Human Neutrophils (HNP) 16-14-081416
Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV, Human Placenta 16-23-041606
Elastase, Human Neutrophil 16-14-051200
Eosinophil Cationic Protein, Human Eosinophils (ECP) 16-15-050316
Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin, Human Eosinophils (EDN) 16-15-050414
Eosinophil Peroxidase, Human Eosinophils (EPO) 16-15-160518
Factor Va, Human Plasma 16-16-060601
GC-Globulin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type (维D结合蛋白) 16-16-070307
Haptoglobin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type 16-16-080116
Hemopexin, Human Plasma 16-16-080513
Immunoglobulin A, Human Plasma 16-16-090701
Immunoglobulin A1, Human Myeloma Protein 16-16-090701-1M
Immunoglobulin A2, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090701-2M
Immunoglobulin D, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090704-M
Immunoglobulin D, Human Plasma 16-16-090704
Immunoglobulin E, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090705-M
Immunoglobulin E, Human Plasma 16-16-090705
Immunoglobulin G, Dog Plasma 16-16-090707-dog
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma 16-16-090707
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, Fab Fragment 16-16-090707-Fab
Immunoglobulin G, Human Plasma, FC Fragment 16-16-090707-FC
Immunoglobulin G, Mouse Plasma 16-16-090707-mouse
Immunoglobulin G, Rat Serum 16-16-090707-rat
Immunoglobulin G1, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090707-1M
Immunoglobulin G2, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090707-2M
Immunoglobulin G3, Human Plasma 16-16-090707-3
Immunoglobulin G4, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090707-4M
Immunoglobulin M, Fc5mu, Human Plasma 16-16-090713-Mfc5u
Immunoglobulin M, Human Myeloma Plasma 16-16-090713-M
Immunoglobulin M, Human Plasma 16-16-090713
Immunoglobulin M, mu Chain, Human Plasma 16-16-090713-MU
Kallikrein, Human Plasma 16-16-110112
Kininogen, HMW, Human Plasma 16-16-110914-H
Kininogen, LMW, Human Plasma 16-16-110914-L
Lactalbumin, Human Milk 13-16-011202
Lactoferrin, Human Neutrophil 16-14-120103
Lipoprotein a, [Lp(a)], Human Plasma 12-16-121601
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma 12-16-080412
Lipoproteins, High Density, Human Plasma, 适于细胞培养 12-16-080412-TC
Lipoproteins, Intermediate Density, Human Plasma 12-16-090412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma 12-16-120412
Lipoproteins, Low Density, Human Plasma, 适于细胞培养 12-16-120412-TC
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma 12-16-221204
Lipoproteins, Very Low Density, Human Plasma, 适于细胞培养 12-16-221204-TC
Lysozyme, Human Neutrophil 16-14-122519
Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil 16-14-130000
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Frozen 16-16-161213-F
Plasmin, Human Plasma, Lyophilized 16-16-161213-L
Plasminogen, Human Plasma 16-16-161200
Platelet Factor 4, Human Platelet 16-20-060306
Prealbumin, Human Plasma (Transthyretin) 16-16-161801
Proteinase 3, Human Neutrophil 16-14-161820
S-100 Protein, Bovine Brain 16-BR-190816-bovine
S-100b Protein, Bovine Brain 16-BR-190802-bovine
S-100αα Protein, Bovine Brain 16-BR-190801-bovine
Serum Amyloid A, Human Plasma 16-16-190101
Thrombospondin, Human Platelet 16-20-201319
Transferrin, Dog Plasma 16-16-032001-dog
Transferrin, Human Plasma 16-16-032001
Transferrin, Human Plasma, 组织培养级 16-16-032001-LEL
Transferrin, Mouse Plasma 16-16-032001-mouse
Transferrin, Rat Serum 16-16-032001-rat
Trypsin, Human Pancreas 16-19-032000
Vitronectin, Human Plasma 16-16-220920

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